Sunday, June 10, 2007

God with us

In Joshua 1:5 God says: "I will be with you".

We can in the natural only do what we have power to do. When God asks us to do something that is more than what we are can do in our power, He will do the rest we can do.

Jesus said in Acts 1:8: "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses to the end of the earth".

Traditionally the church trust scholarship, logic, genius and philosophy's. But God equipped all of us. The Apostle Paul says in 1Cor 1:27: "God has chosen the foolish things.." The real growth in the body of believers comes from the simple message of the Gospel touching all classes of people. Our human wisdom says preach the Gospel through the wisdom of words. But the Spirit of God will let the Word grow not human wisdom that try and get people to take the side of Jesus, trying to persuade people. We are not lawyers to defend the Gospel to try and get the favour of Jesus to people, no the Word says we must be witnesses!!

We do not have to argue and plead the case of Jesus, no like witnesses on the stand in the court room we must speak the truth saying what we know.
Acts 2:32: "This Jesus God has raised up, of which we are all witnesses"

We were not witnesses at the actual Resurrection but the Resurrection has transformed us. We must proclaim the evidence and we watch the power of God come down, as people receive and believe the good news of Jesus Christ.

Be Blessed in Jesus name.

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